Quantitative Analytics – Exposure Analytics recruitment

Quantitative Analytics – Exposure Analytics has openings for quant developers roles within several Basel III projects. Skills required are:

• At least one of (both would be an advantage):

o        Proficiency in C++

o        Proficiency in VBA and/or RAD

• Combined with at least one of (both would be an advantage):

o        Experience in derivatives pricing or risk (market or counterparty credit)

o        Understanding of statistics

An ability to work independently, be up and running quickly and work to tight deadlines while maintaining a high quality in the deliverables is essential.

The successful candidate would join a team 12-15 strong inside the Quant Analytics Group, giving them the opportunity to extend their skillset in several directions. Another advantage of the positions is the exposure to the Basel III environment and regulations.

If you would like to apply please send an up-to-date CV to Ben.Reed@investigo.co.uk or call me on 020 3009 3427