Receptionist Job in Croydon 3136, Victoria Australia
Part Time Receptionist Position
The Hendrie Group is a successful Croydon CPA public
accounting and financial planning firm with more that 30 years
history. We are offering a part time receptionist position
covering maternity leave(2-3 days per week, 9am-5pm). Must
also be available to work some evenings (July-Sep inclusive).
Employment after maternity leave period may be available by
The role is very busy and the following attributes are a must:
● A sense of humour
● A strong work ethic and initiative
● The ability to work independently and in a team
● A friendly manner whilst managing up to 6 telephone lines
at once
● Confidence to adapt quickly to unfamiliar computer
software and programme
● Office administration and reception experience essential.
If you are self motivated, friendly we would love to hearfrom you!Send full resume (including a detailed covering letterexplaining how you would suit the role) to:POBOX489 Croydon 3136Or E-mail: