REGISTERED NURSES Grade 3 Job in Caulfield South 3162, Victoria Australia

Calvary Health Care Bethlehem

Calvary Health Care Bethlehem
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is a 70 bed health care facility providing a range of inpatient, community, respite and ambulatory services for palliative care and progressive neurological conditions.

NURSES Grade 3
(0.6 EFT 0.7 EFT) rotating roster
(would consider job share)

An exciting opportunity exists for suitablyexperienced nurses to extend their practice withinthe community palliative care team.
CHCB Community Palliative Care Service provides interdisciplinary care to patients and their families in the community setting with specialist palliative needs.

We are seeking highly motivated Registered Nurses, looking for an opportunity to expand their clinical practice within a supportive team.
The role of the Community Palliative Care Nurse is to provide a primary nursing role in conjunction with other members of the team, ensuring that clinical assessment, consultation; liaison and care provision is planned and responded to in a high quality, comprehensive, timely and co-ordinated manner. Essential Requirements:

Enquiries and applications:
Angie Dredge, Community Palliative Care ServiceManager
Ph: 9595 3437

Applications Close: Friday 2nd December 2011Applications may be emailed to the above at by close of business.

Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is a Service of the
Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, with valuesof hospitality, healing, stewardship and respect.The successful candidate will be required todisclose any pre-existing injury or disease whichmay be adversely affected by the performance ofthe inherent requirements of the position.Demonstrated entitlement to work in Australiarequired.

The successful candidate for any position
involving direct patient care will be required toparticipate in a police record check prior toconfirmation of appointment.

Calvary Health Care Bethlehem, 476 Kooyong Road
Caulfield South, VIC 3162
ABN 81 105 303 704