Research Scientist
Chevron is one of the world's leading energy companies, with approximately 60,000 employees working in countries around the world. We explore, produce and transport crude oil and natural gas; refine, market and distribute fuels and other energy products; manufacture and sell petrochemical products; generate power; and develop future energy resources, including biofuels and geothermal energy. To learn more, visit the Explore Chevron website .
Drilling and Completions at Chevron:
We hold strategic positions in some of the world's largest and most productive oil and gas regions. The approximately 1,400 people in the Drilling Completions (DC) team work in some of the world's most challenging technical and operating environments.
The DC Clear Leader" philosophy provides us with a passion for safety and environmental protection, leadership for the development of new and innovative drilling and completions technology, and a commitment to the education and development of our workforce.
Chevron's Energy Technology Company (ETC) is accepting online applications for the position of Research Scientist-Rock Mechanics located in Houston, Texas.
This position will conduct technical services for Chevron operating companies and other ETC teams in the areas of wellbore stability, sand production prediction, and mechanical earth modeling, as a primary function, and will conduct some strategic research and technology development as a secondary function. Primary business objective is to reduce well cost and/or optimize development plans and well production by providing focused customer service.
Position Details:
Responsibilities for this position may include but are not limited to:
Conducts analysis or provides support in the following areas for technical service (TS) to strategic business units (SBU's), non operated joint venture (NOJV) partners, and other ETC teams: wellbore stability analysis during primary drilling or while drilling depleted formations, onset of sanding and quantitative sand production, real-time geomechanics support while drilling, and mechanical earth modeling (MEM). TS projects will require the rock mechanics research scientist to work with the customers to gain alignment on scope, schedule, and budget. Reports in the form of a Word document or PowerPoint slide deck are required deliverables for most projects. Communication with the customer is essential.
Supports strategic research (SR) and tech development (TD) initiatives as follows: proposes new project ideas for SR and TD with business unit input, conducts experiments and other workflows on SR and TD projects, documents project plans, results, and budget in Tech Port or TPPM database as necessary. Leads and/or participates in project management processes including framing sessions and DRB meetings. Research efforts cover a broad spectrum of petroleum geomechanics issues.
General work with respect to intellectual property protection efforts, technical training for self and others, and workshop and conference participation. These activities are intended to keep the research scientist abreast of the industry and ensure that Chevron maintains a high profile and competitive edge in the field of rock mechanics.
Required Qualifications:
Masters degree in Engineering or Earth Science
Minimum of 4 years industry experience or post doctorate work
Geological or geotechnical experience is highly desired
Ability to use Geolog to perform wellbore stability analysis and sanding analysis. Knowledge of PBORE 3D and Stabview software will also be helpful, but can be learned on the team. The most common tech service requests from business units are wellbore stability analysis for drilling and sanding analysis for safe draw-down and completion-type consideration.
Knowledge of the theory of wellbore stability, sanding, fracturing, and pore pressure prediction. Has general earth science and structural geology expertise, with fundamental knowledge of drilling and completion practices. Even without specific software knowledge, at a minimum the candidate must have a sound understanding of the physics of these rock mechanics topics.
Strong written and oral communication skills. Technical report writing skills and strong skills in Word and PowerPoint are a must.
Experience with or knowledge of Mechanical Earth Modeling (MEM) software including Gocad and Geolog. Finite element modeling (FEM) experience, especially with the use of Abaqus or GMRS. The candidate may be called upon to conduct FEM.
Preferred Qualifications:
Ph.D. degree in Engineering or Earth Science or a closely related field
Geological or geotechnical experience, with emphasis on soil/rock laboratory testing and interpretation.
Candidates with higher experience will also be considered.
Ability to use Geolog to perform wellbore stability analysis and sanding analysis. Knowledge of PBORE 3D, StabView or other geomechanical software will also be helpful, but can be learned on the team.
Modeling of poro-elastic rock mechanical behavior using finite element, discrete element or boundary element methods, for common geomechanical/geothermal applications will be a definite plus.
Familiarity with the fundamental equations of coupled porothermoelasticity or porochemoelasticity
Experience with or knowledge of Mechanical Earth Modeling (MEM) software including Gocad and Geolog.
Relocation Options:
Relocation may be considered within Chevron parameters.