Restaurant Manager Opportunities! Job in Hattiesburg 39401, Mississippi US
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- Job Overview
- Job Status/Type:
Full Time
Employee - Industry:
All - Salary:
38,000.00-50,000.00 USD - Other Compensation:
Bonus, Advancement Opportunities - Location:
Hattiesburg, Ms 39401 - Contact Information
- Company:
Gecko Hospitality

Assistant Manager Hattiesburg, Mississippi Salary $40,000 - 50,000 + Bonus Qualifications:
- 2+ years in restaurant management experience
- Strong background in kitchen operations
- Passion for high quality food
- Strong communication skills
Assistant Manager Hattiesburg, Mississippi Salary $35,000 - $40,000 Qualifications:
- 2+ years experience as AM or KM
- Maintaining high standards of food and hygiene
- Must be highly organized
Rhonda Sexton 904-371-2027 fax 904-371-2857 phone Click here for all job listings in your area Submit your resume directly to Gecko and maintain complete confidentiality. ABSOLUTELY NO REGISTRATION! We know changing jobs is difficult and we can help. Did you know...
The best positions often are not advertised?
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And, we conduct your job search in strict confidence? GECKO PLACES CANDIDATES IN THESE POSITIONS EVERYDAY:
- Restaurant GMs
Managers - Kitchen Managers
- Beverage Managers
- Hotel General Managers
- Banquet Managers
- Director of Operations
- Multi-Unit Managers
- Bar Managers
- And more!
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