Retail Sales to $6000/month
Retail Sales to $6000/month - in Alaska plus lodging
Job Description: International firm needs 4 people to travel to Alaska to work in retail sales from May to Sept. If you have the proven ability to close a sale and can combine that with solid interpersonal skills, this may be the spot for you. 5 month position where the company will pay your flight to Alaska, your flight home in Sept., and also will put you up in shared housing, while giving you the opportunity to earn a very solid income. You will be required to work a 6 day, 70 hour a week schedule which will always include the weekends. Fun situation that can be very hectic and busy. So if you are ready for a summer in Alaska, will pass a background investigation, and have good references, this could be the unique situation you have been waiting for. Contact us today! We are an equal employment opportunity employer. You can view all of our jobs online at