Sales Consultant

Seeking Sales Consultants for a National Energy Consulting Firm (Direct Sales)

Excellent Opportunity for Full-Time and Part-Time Professionals

(Please Note: We are not a Multi-Level/ Network Marketing Company)


In Source Power, Inc. (ISP) is seeking driven and goal oriented sales professionals who have the desire to achieve a success and stability in a new industry with the potential to earn a strong six-figure income. ISP provides all necessary training, marketing materials, and an experienced sales support staff. Sales experience is preferred but not required.


ISP is holding career overview webinar sessions throughout the months of March and April, in order to provide interested candidates with additional information on the career opportunity available through ISP. In order to attend one of our Career Overview sessions, submit your resume via e-mail to .


Benefits and Key Points of the Energy Industry:


We Offer:

About InSource Power

ISP, Inc. is one of the top National Energy Consulting Firms with over 20 years of combined energy experience and a proven track record in helping our client reduce their energy costs by up to 50%. ISP was established to give commercial, industrial and government entities in deregulated states access to one source that will provide them access to the top energy providers in their respective energy market. Our main goal is to provide commercial, industrial and government agencies with price security and budget certainty resulting in maximum energy cost savings for their facilities.


We are an experienced and professional Energy Consulting firm operating in deregulated markets across the country. Our relationship with the nation's top energy providers ensures our clients will receive the best products/energy agreements available in this industry.

Submit your resume via e-mail to .