Senior Associate

The chosen candidate will intend to become a Consultant within two years and will have either the CFA or an actuarial qualification.

Key responsibilities accountabilities:

This role requires th Senior Associate to meet certain criteria within a range of different areas and to undertake such tasks as deemed necessary by Consultants to service clients, including:

? Develop one-to-one relationships with clients – work towards acting as first point of reference   in  relation to day-to-day functions;

? Develop strong internal relationships with direct colleagues and other teams;

? Manage overall delivery of client work within the team, with the support of the lead consultant;

? Provide relevant investment calculations/written material/research to produce client education/advice and be able to speak about this with the Client within a one-to-one framework;

? Attend and present at regular client meetings and take responsibility for follow up actions;

? Contribute to the development of intellectual capital communication through the evolution, use, review and challenge of Consulting templates;

? Assist with product evaluation (within specific asset classes) and produce written reviews;

? Develop relationships with relevant third parties (e.g. investment managers and custodians);

April 29, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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