Senior Database Administrator (DBA)


The Business Applications team ensures that the supply of Information Management (IM) and Technology (IT) services matches the demand from the business while balancing the flexibility benefits of local solutions with the efficiency and cost benefits of an enterprise-wide overview of IM/IT application architecture. This is achieved by:

(i) ensuring stability and maintainability of day-to-day business operations enabled by its portfolio of applications under the team's management;

(ii) adopting a business benefit perspective to IM/IT investments, project management and performance measurement;

(iii) promoting the emergence of a bank-wide framework for managing IT applications and increasing the value generated by IM/IT investments in applications; and

(iv) developing the business and technical expertise of IT staff.

The team has the following sub-units: Architecture and Quality Assurance; Collaboration; PeopleSoft; Data and Analytics; and Database Management Services.

Your primary role as a senior system analyst in Database Management services is to (i) contribute to the design, implementation, maintenance and product management of the corporate database infrastructure; (ii) manage projects to enhance the provision of data management services in line with business objectives; and (iii) streamline database administration in partnership with external suppliers.

The role requires work outside normal working hours during service windows and the provision of overnight/weekend on-call support (on a rotation basis within the team).

Less technically strong candidates (with limited experience as a database administrator) but with strong experience in data governance, data security and management of outsourced database operations will also be considered for this role.

Principal accountabilities:

Work experience required:

Qualifications required:

Skills required:

The BIS employs staff on both open-ended and fixed-term contracts. However, all new entrants are initially recruited on a fixed-term basis. Due to our status as an international organisation we are in the privileged position to be able to recruit any nationality.

November 15, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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