Senior Financial Control Analyst


Financial controls are an integral part of the firms Risk and Control infrastructure. They mitigate the principal risks for which Finance is responsible and which may materially impact the financial statements or other reports prepared by Finance. They also serve to evidence the robust control environment that is a key requirement of Risk and Capital management.


The Financial Controls Framework has the primary objective of eliminating the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements by:

FCF covers all of the Group’s core financial processes, including premiums, claims, reinsurance, investments and treasury, expenses and reserving. It ensures the completeness and accuracy of data throughout each stage of each process, from initial recording to inclusion in the financial statements or other financial outputs.


To help train, develop the offshore service provider as appropriate and ensure proper oversight of work outsourced.


(a) Financial Control responsibilities

(b) Group/Cross-functional responsibilities

(c) System (FCF) responsibilities

(d) General Finance responsibilities


(a) Qualifications, Training and experience

(b) Personal skills


September 29, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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