Senior Manager, Forensic, Beijing / Shanghai – Ref CHF506 recruitment

KPMG Forensic China and Hong Kong SAR has experienced forensic resources based in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. We provide clients with commercial and financial expertise in the areas of Fraud and Misconduct Investigations, Anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance Services, Fraud Risk Management, Forensic Technology and Corporate Intelligence services.

We have worked with industry professionals in Asia Pacific, and worldwide through the KPMG International Forensic network of over 1,900 professionals to conduct successful enquiries and analyse financial information across numerous jurisdictions.

Our Investigation services include large-scale and multijurisdictional investigations, as well as documentation analysis, digital evidence recovery and process, document management and other analytical techniques. Using specialist accounting, investigation and business skills, our Investigation professionals assist our clients in the investigation of fraud, impropriety and/or suspected regulatory compliance issues.

Successful candidates will received a competitive remuneration package, and should expect to work on a wide variety of project based work, across a broad range of industries and geographies in China, serving clients domestically and internationally.

The role undertaken by the individual will depend on the type and circumstances of each project and experience of the individual and will generally incorporate the following:


To apply please send your CV and salary expectations to - For Beijing - For Shanghai

We offer successful candidates an attractive remuneration package and the opportunity to work in dynamic and exciting environment.

Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only.

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