Senior Ruby on Rails Developer at E-xact Transactions Ltd. (Vancouver, BC, Canada) (allows remote)

Job Description

We are looking to selectively add a senior software engineer to our core team.  You are joining as a key player engaged in our next leg of growth.  Our team has a focus to deliver calm, predictable and frequent releases of our software that powers our payment service. While working with us you will contribute to the vision and direction of our products.  Every member of our team is involved in the design and decision making process and are equipped with the best tools to do their jobs.  This position could start as a remote work contract with the intent to grow to a permanent position.

Skills Requirements

You are are passionate about developing web applications using Ruby on Rails. You're a full stack developer (Rails, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, DB) and you wouldn’t think of working anywhere that doesn’t do test-driven development.  You've probably been a developer for at least 5 years

About E-xact Transactions Ltd.

Joel Test score: 12 out of 12

The Joel Test is a twelve-question measure of the quality of a software team.


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November 1, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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