SMALLGOODS MAKER Job in Somerset 7322, Tasmania Australia


Pandani Select Food is a family owned business
and has been producing the fi nest quality ham
and bacon since 1965. We ensure the working
conditions of our employees are happy and safe, and
are conducive to producing the best quality product
possible. We operate from a new state-of-the-art
facility, purpose built for the production of smallgoods.
Full time position offered for enthusiastic energetic person. Must be familiar with meat and smallgoods processing and food hygiene standards. Must be approachable, adaptable and most importantly reliable. Above award wage and conditions will be paid relevant to experience. A great opportunity to progress in your knowledge of product, process and the industry.
The following are essential:

Written applications addressed to:
Production Manager - Pandani Select Foods
35 Wragg Street, Somerset TAS 7322
P: 03 6435 2908