SNR Business Analyst – Head of Equities High Frequency Trading recruitment
The role will involve taking ownership for the cash equity business in London and this requires a person with an in-depth knowledge of European cash equity Co-lo facilities, Strategies, Order sending and feed handlers settlements at the major exchanges and ECNs and intimate knowledge of all euro equity exchanges' infrastructure and technologies, exchange architecture/matching engine behaviour, latencies, pricing and routing.
Your role will involve staying current with all technology changes at the various euro equity exchanges; maintain a calendar of all releases/changes/deadlines at exchanges and ensure that the firm is meeting all deadlines on time and and understand what impact those changes will have on the firms infrastructure.
• Will changes need to be made at the firm?
• How complex/difficult are these changes?
• Do strategies need to be changed?
• Are there compliance issues?
• Can traders use changes to increase performance and/or PL?
• Will changes need to be made to reporting trading analysis?
You will be the primary contact at the firm for all equity exchanges and you will be in constant touch with all exchanges. You will attend exchange conferences/meetings/presentations to stay up to date with exchange behaviour and be a visible presence to our exchange rep's. You will be responsible for continually researching venues that the firm is not connected to make sure they don't miss out on opportunities. You will be the primary contact for all of the firm’s equities traders for all equity exchange related issues and will be responsible for keeping all traders informed about any important developments/changes at the exchanges or in the market
This role will involve travel and working outside of regular business hours as required
For more details please contact James Kennedy