Core Java Developer, betting exchange, very high performance systems recruitment
Java developer, betting exchange, highly multi-threaded high performance systems, tuning and optimisation, low latency computing, high throughput / transactional systems, caching/distributed/grid computing The world’s leading online betting exchange, pioneers in their field, are looking for extremely strong Java developers to join their team. This is an opportunity to join a genuinely revolutionary technology company, and the clear market leader, to work on their core product – a peer-to-peer gambling site acting as a broker between parties for the placement of bets. The exchange mechanism, Read more […]
Core Java Developer, FX Algo, Hedge Fund recruitment
Core Java Developer – FX Trading / Algo to join a highly specialised and fast growing trading boutique. The Core Java developer will be joining a hedge fund which has consistently run algorithmic trading models for a number of years, and remain a major player in FX trading. The platform is based on distributed low latency systems involving complex multi-threading where performance is key. This is a broad role and will encompass a complex front end trading application, performance improvement, market connectors, analysis tools and risk systems. The Java developer will have strong interaction with Read more […]