Temp Liquidity Risk Quant role (Basel 3 / CRD 4 liquidity ) recruitment
My client has an opening for a temporary contractor with quantitative liquidity risk experience and knowledge of Basel 3 / CRD 4 liquidity (LCR and NSFR). You will have previous experience quantifying the liquidity / funding impact in an investment banking environment and good knowledge of Basel 3 / CRD 4 liquidity (Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and net stable funding ratio (NSFR) You must be able to work with senior stakeholders to help them understand the regulations, convert this into business impacts and also help develop mitigating strategies
April 20, 2012
• Tags: Accounting & Finance careers in the UK, CRD 4 liquidity ) recruitment, Temp Liquidity Risk Quant role (Basel 3 • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Temp Liquidity Risk Quant role (Basel 3 / CRD 4 liquidity ) recruitment