Equipment Operations Job in Brisbane City 4000, Queensland Australia

Equipment OperationsBrunel Technical Services Pty LtdPROVIDING PROFESSIONALS GLOBALLYBrunel Technical Services Pty Ltd specialises in the supply of Onshore construction personnel to the petrochemical, power generation and oil and gas industry.On behalf of our clients, Brunel is currently recruiting for the following positions for projects in Australia commencing around 2012 for periods up to 4 years.★Equipment Operations ★Form workers★Concreters ★Pipe Fitters★Pipe Welders ★Riggers ★Scaffolder★Electrician ★Instrument Fitters★Instrument TechniciansSupervisory positions in the Read more […]

July 4, 2009 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Equipment Operations Job in Brisbane City 4000, Queensland Australia