OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Job in Marrickville 2204, New South Wales Australia

CONTRACT ROLE FOR 6 – 8 MONTHS APPROXMARRICKVILLEWe are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Logistics Manager to work with the Engineering Manager, Production Manager, Production Scheduler and Senior Purchasing Officer.The Logistics Coordinator co ordinates and controls the planning and distribution of finished products to ensure maximum sales potential.The position responsibilities includeResponsible for the coordination of outbound freight in terms of safety, quality, cost, and on-time deliveryResponsible for the coordination of inbound freightResponsible for warehousingOngoing evaluation Read more […]

February 6, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Job in Marrickville 2204, New South Wales Australia