Regulatory Programme Manager recruitment
A Global Energy giant are seeking an experienced programme manager to manage and implement the regulatory compliance agenda for their trading business. This is a fantastic business, leaders in their field.To be clear this is essentially not a compliance role, your purpose is to work one to one with the global head of compliance in the coordination and steering of overarching compliance projects and planning for the compliance function.Typical duties will include –Providing strategic advice (as opposed to regulatory advice) to key figures within the compliance function, managing the functions Read more […]
Treasury Governance/Regulatory Programme Manager recruitment
Due to the scope of this particular role, this global banking giant need someone with a blend of treasury, finance, risk, regulatory and change management experience. You will be reporting directly into the Divisional Treasurer and have a wide range of responsibilities, engaging largely with senior stakeholders. You will have overall responsibly for the control, compliance assurance framework for treasury, ensuring and monitoring adherence with Group policies and Regulatory requirements and be heavily involved in project activity and coordination. You will also have some ALCo and other committees Read more […]