Top Global Bank seeks Senior Ratings Analyst – Deputy Team Lead // Bradenburg, GERMANY recruitment

 Although this role is based in Berlin, the business language is English (all reports are written in English; team meetings and telephone conferences are held in English), so the ability to speak German is not at all necessary.If you are wanting to work in a global firm in the most expanding group in Europe at the moment apply to Primary ResponsibilitiesManage a dynamic international portfolio comprising of corporates, financial institutions and non-bank FIsEnsure quality control over financial analysis (balance sheet, income statement, cashflow statement, notes to accounts Read more […]

May 19, 2012 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Top Global Bank seeks Senior Ratings Analyst – Deputy Team Lead // Bradenburg, GERMANY recruitment

Senior Credit Manager (m/f) – Core Assets Hamburg recruitment

Unser Mandant ist eine erfolgreiche Bank in Deutschland. Man hat sich auf die langfristige Finanzierung privater und gewerblicher Immobilien in Europa spezialisiert. Aufgrund der positiven Geschäftsentwicklung (Fokus auf Core und Core+ Immobilien) in diesem Bereich, sucht unser Auftraggeber für Hamburg einen Senior Credit Manager (m/w).Das Aufgabengebiet:Mitwirkung bei der Strukturierung von Kreditengagements Eigenständige Beurteilung von KreditanträgenSelbständige Durchführung von Risikoanalysen: Objekt- und Bonitätsprüfungen, Bilanzanalyse (auch aus­ländischer Gesellschaften), Prüfung Read more […]

May 18, 2012 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Senior Credit Manager (m/f) – Core Assets Hamburg recruitment

VP Corporate Credit Analyst, Frankfurt recruitment

This team is responsible for counterparty credit limits to several thousand corporate client groups. The Frankfurt team covers large local corporate clients and has pan-European responsibility for certain industrial, notably automotive, clients.Main responsibilities will include:Corporate credit analysis, including preparation, presentation and recommendation of credit proposals to relevant approval levels. The role will also involve ongoing monitoring and review of credit exposures.Responsible for undertaking credit analysis and recommending exposure policies within acceptable risk parameters Read more […]

May 17, 2012 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on VP Corporate Credit Analyst, Frankfurt recruitment

A top global investment bank has developed a new function covering modelling and quantitative risk across all related functions in the bank. recruitment

 The role is ideal for any one from a quantitative background looking to work in a Bank where they can develop their career and skill set to work within a leading financial institution. The bank is looking to develop this newly created function in Berlin and is interested in seeing the best academic candidates from a background in credit risk or quantitative modelling. The role will involve working with all areas of quantitative analysis and risk within the bank globally with a focus on project work in developing and implementing new models into teams across the main financial hubs. The successful Read more […]

May 10, 2012 • Tags: , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on A top global investment bank has developed a new function covering modelling and quantitative risk across all related functions in the bank. recruitment

Senior Financial Analyst (m/f) in Group Risk recruitment

Your Tasks: As Senior Financial Analyst, your responsibilities will include the following:Credit AnalysisRegular review of OE portfolios, asset classes, segments (countries, industries), obligorsMonitoring of the credit quality of credit exposures and definition of the company’s internal ratings based on counterparty and country risk analysisReview of exceptional requests for single credit transactions and NFIsMaintenance of Minimum Standards for single credit transactionsRegular and ad hoc credit risk analysis of single counterparties (based on balance sheet analysis, rating information, agency Read more […]

May 10, 2012 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Senior Financial Analyst (m/f) in Group Risk recruitment

Tier 1 Global Bank Seeks Credit Risk Quant Analyst recruitment

This is an excellent opportunity to join an American Bank who is investing heavily in Europe. You will have a dotted line into the CRO and you will be expected to constantly liaise with Senior Management.• The ideal candidate will have the following skills and experience:• Excellent credit risk modelling skills (economic capital or PD/LGD/EAD)• Previous managerial experience• Very good understanding of the appropriate regulations (Basel)• Understanding of RWAThis is a massive opportunity for someone looking to take the next step in their career if you would like to be considered Read more […]

May 10, 2012 • Tags: , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Tier 1 Global Bank Seeks Credit Risk Quant Analyst recruitment

Mitarbeiter Quantitative Analytics – Kreditrisikomodellierung (m/w) recruitment

Ziel ist die Stabilisierung der HRE-Gruppe und des Finanzmarkts sowie die Abwicklung nach wirtschaftlichen Grundsätzen.Die Abteilung Quantative Analytics in München sucht baldmöglichst einen neuen Mitarbeiter (m/w). Wesentliche Aufgaben dieser Funktion bestehen in der Entwicklung und Validierung von RatingverfahrenAufgabenMitarbeit beim Aufbau des Bereichs Kreditrisikomodellierung und –steuerungEntwicklung und Betreuung der Messmethodik für Kreditrisiken:Fachliche Leitung bei der Entwicklung und Kalibrierung neuer Ratingverfahren und LGD/EaD-Modelle(Weiter-)Entwicklung simulationsbasierter Read more […]

May 10, 2012 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Mitarbeiter Quantitative Analytics – Kreditrisikomodellierung (m/w) recruitment

IT Spezialisten Risk & Compliance (m/w) recruitment

Unser Auftraggeber, eine der führenden deutschen Management – und IT Beratungen, sucht zur Unterstützung des Teams einen IT Spezialisten Risk Compliance (m/w)(Vollzeit/ Einsatzorte bundesweit)Ihr Aufgabengebiet:In Ihrer Position als (Senior) Consultant IT / RiskCompliance betreuen Sie komplexe Projekte bei namhaften Kunden aus der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche rund im das Thema Compliance. Diese Arbeit geschieht direkt beim Kunden vor Ort (im gesamten Bundesgebiet).Sie übernehmen mit zunehmender Erfahrung eigenständig die IT-seitige Verantwortung für Projekte aus dem Themenspektrum AML, Read more […]

May 7, 2012 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on IT Spezialisten Risk & Compliance (m/w) recruitment

Market Risk Expert / International Bank / Austria recruitment

My client, an International bank, is looking for a market risk expert to expand their international market and liquidity risk team. The role offers an excellent opportunity to work in an international environment within a team of risk experts. You will be learning and applying the latest methodologies in the financial risk market to develop, monitor and validate market risk models.Requirements:•A degree in mathematics, physics, economics or IT •Experience in JAVA, C++, Unix, SQL and VBA•3-5 years experience in monitoring, modelling and control of financial market risk•Excellent written and Read more […]

May 6, 2012 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Market Risk Expert / International Bank / Austria recruitment

Prozessmanager (m/w) Credit Risk Management „Pfandbrief” – in Teilzeit recruitment

Wir wollen der weltweit führende Anbieter von Finanzdienstleistungen sein und setzen auf das Zusammenspiel von Leidenschaft und Präzision, um unseren Kunden erstklassige Lösungen zu bieten. Unsere Mitarbeiter machen dies möglich: Menschen mit wachem Verstand, deren Blick über das Naheliegende hinausreicht und die in einer sichständig verändernden globalen Geschäftswelt wirkungsvoll handeln.Finanzprodukte werden immer komplexer, und die Dynamik des Marktes verändert diesen unaufhörlich. Damit wir Schritt halten, stellt der Geschäftsbereich Risk ständig neue Lösungen zur Verfügung. Read more […]

May 5, 2012 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Prozessmanager (m/w) Credit Risk Management „Pfandbrief” – in Teilzeit recruitment