Are you someone that learned C, C++, Java, x86 assembler from a young age?

 Are you someone that learned C, C++, Java, x86 assembler from a young age and used it as a hobby long before you ever used it in a commercial environment? Perhaps you have experience working with Linux-based clusters or programming CPUs/GPUs and what to find a role in which you could actually utilise these skills to their full potential?If so, I would strongly suggest reading on… My client is a Proprietary Trading company like no other. The firm was set-up by two individuals who are equally passionate about technology as they are about trading, if not more. They are unique in that they do Read more […]

February 18, 2009 • Tags: , , , , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Are you someone that learned C, C++, Java, x86 assembler from a young age?