Underwriting Mentor

Underwriting Mentor - Chase Mortgage Banking

As an Underwriting Mentor, incumbent is the highest-level underwriter designation within the underwriting group. In this role, incumbent will review and audit Prime files to analyze whether candidates for lending authority have properly identified the following attributes within the loan: Capacity, Capital, Character, Condition, Loan Judgment and Data Integrity/Compliance. This includes ensuring that loan requests meet program and product specifications. In addition, incumbent will communicate results to appropriate individuals within JPMorgan Chase, including the trainee, the trainee's supervisor and Underwriting Management. The Mentor will provide feedback and calibration to new hires and current staff within the Underwriting group on an as needed basis as determined by Underwriting Management. The Mentor will maintain their lending authority. The Mentor will complete targeted reviews and analyze site quality performance trends to assist Underwriting Management at their discretion.