Valuation Risk, Senior VP

The role sits within the Valuation Risk (VRG) team which cover the modelling and valuation of all fair valued positions.

The responsibility of the team is the performance of additional valuation controls on the Level 3 (those assets for which there is limited market pricing information)

The primary focus of the team is the performance of “deep dive” valuation reviews on selected portfolios within the Level 3 population

The reviews performed incorporate all information relevant to the position valuation including analysis of the transaction structure, the modelling approach adopted, available market data for both the position, any proxies considered appropriate, applicable reservesvaluation adjustments and any relevant regulatorycapitallegal and accounting considerations.

You will be expected to manage the team (4 FTE), covering planning and prioritisation of work, detailed supervision and coaching of team members, effectively communication of issues identified upwards including to senior management and liaising across the bank to source relevant information and complete the work in the most efficient manner

Contact I.T.S City

To talk directly with us to discuss this vacancy and the client, please contact Gary Williams on:


Direct Line: +44 (0) 203 176 6646

July 31, 2013 • Tags: , • Posted in: Financial

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