Associate – Credit Risk Analysis (Hedge Funds) recruitment

In order to protect Morgan Stanley from losses resulting from bankruptcy or default, the Credit Department conducts essential research in determining the risks arising from transactions with our lending and trading counterparties. Upon completion of a thorough evaluation, Credit Research Analysts assign counterparties a credit-specific rating to denote the level of risk taken by the firm. On this basis, Credit approves or rejects all material requests for loans or derivatives from our clients.

Credit professionals perform two core functions:

Risk Decisions - All primary lending and derivatives transactions are approved by senior credit professionals. Those individuals establish and monitor the credit limits for each active counterparty and work closely with Morgan Stanley’s trading desks and banking teams.

Research - Upon receiving requests from the Investment Banking Department to approve new loans and requests from various trading desks to approve new risk transactions, Credit’s research teams actively investigate, review and rate the credit quality of companies in a wide range of industries. The research teams work closely with the risk decision teams to determine what transactions should be approved and under what conditions.

Responsibilities include:
• Manage and monitor a portfolio of hedge fund counterparties in the leveraged fund sector
• Perform financial and credit analyses to establish credit-specific ratings
• Author credit reviews and present credit opinions to the hedge fund credit committee
• Review, diligence and approval of new trade requests recommending structures to minimise risk
• Track and monitor counterparty compliance in accordance with contractual terms and Firm limits
• Notifying business units as appropriate
• Keep current on industry trends, negotiate ISDA terms

• The candidate will have a thorough level of relevant experience in hedge fund analysis and possess the flexibility to multi-task between qualitative analysis and derivative transactions
• Superior written and verbal communication skills
• Quantitative orientation
• Ability to manage dynamic priorities
• Basic understanding of derivative transactions and ISDA language