AVP Equity Derivatives Product Control recruitment

The Equity Derivatives team covers both the vanilla and exotic derivative trading desks. These desks are located and managed in the European region.

Key areas of responsibility are:-

• Supporting and controlling daily, weekly and month end analyses, providing reviewed data to the head of Equity Derivatives Product Control.
• Providing commentaries relating to any Buy Hold PL outliers to the Regulators.
• Calculation of bid offer reserves, cost allocations and price testing on a monthly basis and discussing the same with the trading desk.

• Review of balance sheet and understanding of the key drivers of the moves on a periodic basis.

• Provision of MI and other key information for senior management review (including desk sign off statistics, costs summary, reserve movements and commentaries).

• Working with global teams on implementing key strategic initiatives in the development of the product control function.

• Identifying, communicating and actively working with the appropriate individuals to remediate ineffective controls.

• Developing and maintaining a strong working relationship with the trading desks and other support teams throughout the organisation such as operations, valuations,  accounting policy etc.


-Bachelors degree in Accounting/ Financial/ Mathematical/other discipline (or equivalent)

-Understanding of trade flows from front-to-back
-Knowledge of derivatives
-Involvement in daily PL explain/attribution

-Preferably a professional accountant (ACA, CIMA, other)