AVP – Tier 1 Bank – Capital Management recruitment
This Tier 1 bank has recently undergone a restructure to its Treasury division.
The Capital Management team now consists of around 50 people covering capital and balance sheet management across both businesses and regions.
The new division now has an AVP level role with responsibilities covering:
1). Capital optimisation - allocating capital, optimising RWA and managing ratio and returns on ratio.
2). Regulatory Capital - RWA budgeting, understanding stress and consolidated capital, and facing off to the business.
3). Legal Entity Capital - local capital plans, optimising capital across all parts of the bank globally, capital injections, intra-group funding and local issues e.g. Basel III implementations.
Your background should include good regulatory capital experience across stress testing, ICAAP, capital/RWA forecasting, capital policy, modelling (RWA/capital) or capital optimisation.
You may be working in another leading bank within treasury or capital, you may be working in a risk or modelling role or you may be a finance/accounting professional with a relevant skill set. Candidates with a consultancy/regulator background looking for a first move into banking will also be highly relevant for this role.