C## Developer / Risk / Banking

A C# Developer is required by a T1 Investment Bank to work on a greenfield Risk Engine platform. The work will involve the use of a variety of middleware products for messaging (Solace), caching (Coherence) and compute grid (Data Synapse).

You will be responsible for the server side development of the risk platform, the integration of the derivatives business among other greenfield requirements.

Applicants with no experience with Data Synapse or other grid computing technologies will not be considered for this position.

The ideal candidate will have the below technical and business experience:


Server-side C#




Data Synapse

Business Experience:

Development of front-office risk systems

It would be advantageous if you have experience / strong business knowledge of FX and or Derivatives

Full details are available on request - Please submit your CV to matt.gilberthorpe@nicollcurtin.com

September 6, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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