CTO / Lead Developer at MaxCrunch.com (New York, NY) (allows remote)

Job Description

We are looking for a senior engineer to fill the CTO/technical cofounder position to manage and coordinate a team of contracted devs based in New York and a partner team based in Seoul, South Korea to launch web apps and android apps in both locations.

We can offer 125k-200k in salary with full benefits and a meaningful co-founder stake in the company.

Skills Requirements

You are a full stack engineer, with an emphasis on back-end development, but still have an eye for product design and a working knowledge of front-end development. You are capable of putting together and leading a team of developers.

You want to be involved building a company from the ground up and you are driven by your need to solve problems. You thrive in blank slates where you can test your mettle as a leader..

Speaking Korean is a plus, but not a necessary qualification.


MaxCrunch (http://www.maxcrunch.com) is a fledgling startup that wants to be the "eBay of local businesses". Help us build a platform that makes clearing services and inventory up to the last minute fast, reliable and easy.


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June 1, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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