Hedge Fund – Head of Database Development (CTA Systematic Trading fund) recruitment

The firm is looking for a passionate developer with a penchant for building high-performance applications.

As an ideal candidate you will have:

-  Experience manipulating large amounts of data

-  Significant experience working within a .NET framework.  (words like "anonymous methods" "generics" , "interop" and "ldc.i4.7" mean something to you!)

-   Be prepared to deal with a data store that is several terabytes in size 

-  Experience in software development in a variety of languages (C/ C++) and continuing to explore other languages.

- A solid intrinsic understanding of how data centers and servers work. i.e you will know that PCI express suppors up to 32 lanes which gives a speed of up to 8 Bes in one direction.

All applications will be treated with strict confidence.