Investment Funds Registration Co-ordinator

Investment Funds Registration Co-ordinator

Working for a Major Global Asset Management Organisation, my client is looking for a Investment Funds Registration Co-ordinator and support the Funds Registrations Team.

The Fund Registrations Team is responsible for ensuring that open-ended funds domiciled in Luxembourg meet their regulatory obligations in the countries in which they are to be marketed in order to enable global sales.

Main Responsibilities and Duties

Understand the local regulatory rules for each country in which the organisation markets and sells Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS funds or intends to do business

Provide expert and commercially oriented advice on the UCITS regulations of host countries of registration to both management and the distribution arms of Europe, the Middle East and Latin America

Keep abreast of major changes in the laws and regulations of Luxembourg and of host countries of registration, which may have an impact on business in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America

Ensure that the necessary fund authorisations are maintained in each jurisdiction where funds are registered in order to facilitate marketing of the funds

Implementation of new market registrations and regular reporting to all associated parties on progress

Liaison with, translators and other external professional advisers and service providers

Candidate Background

Looking for candidates from Asset Management or Law background that have worked with domiciled Funds.

Candidates must have working understanding of the funds industry and have good UCITS products and regulations knowledge.

Have excellent verbal and written communication skills. The ability to build strong working relationships and interact with individuals at all levels both internally and externally.

June 28, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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