IT Project Manager

This role is part of a very large multi-year programme delivering to key Regulatory Change mandates driven by Basel 3, DoddFrank and EMIR, in particular to the Liquidity Coverage Ratio and the Net Stable Funding Ratio.

This is very much a Technology PM role and so candidates with a development background will be preferenced over functional BA type career paths. The key challenge in the role is the Global nature of the roll-out and the complexity of the programme and the various dependencies - so strong cross functional stakeholder management experience is key as is a structured approach to project governance and delivery. The programme is big enough that there are independent functional teams for Testing, BA's, PM's and developers and the individual will need to manage the delivery of their own individual projects streams and oversee all the other projects as well as co-rdinating the functional teams deliverables.

Strong cross asset class knowledge is key, as is the technical challenge of mapping the data from the front office systems downstream into a datawarehouse before feeding downstream for MIS and Reg Reporting. Strong technical know how on data mapping, interfaces and workflows will be essential.


October 25, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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