Legislative Liaison UNPAID INTERN DHS Job in Denver, Colorado US
Legislative Liaison UNPAID INTERN DHS
Job Description Denver Department of Human Services (DDHS) is seeking an Unpaid Law Clerk for the Legislative Liaison. To apply, please send a resume, cover letter and writing sample to Barbara.Anderson@denvergov.org . The Legislative Liaison for DDHS has the following roles in support of the Department: Monitoring and working on state and federal legislation that impacts our clients and staff; Closely tracking state and federal budgets and fiscal policy as they apply to DDHS; Working with the rule-making bodies of state agencies, such as the Colorado Dept. of Human Services, the Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy Financing, and the Colorado Dept. of Revenue, to implement new state policies and legislation; Representing DDHS in community groups that advocate on public policy issues relevant to the Department and important to clients and staff. Working with elected officials to provide information about DDHS and to help resolve the concerns their constituents may have with DDHS. The Unpaid Law Clerk's duties include, but are not limited to: analyzing statutes, rules and regulations; researching legislation; drafting documents for executive management; and other administrative duties supporting the Legislative Liaison. The work of the Liaison is important in developing and implementing public policy for the Department and educating the community about the impact of such policy. The candidate selected for this position will support any variety of responsibilities of the Liaison. Additional Information: To apply, please send a resume, cover letter and writing sample to Barbara.Anderson@denvergov.org .