Operations Analyst recruitment

The first fund was launched in 2000 and has gained an impressive track record since, having won various eurohedge awards. BlueCrest now has approximately 400 employees globally.

This is achieved by liaising closely with the external groups such as the fund administrator, prime brokers and vendor platforms used for processing and internal groups, such as the trading desks, product control, risk, compliance, change projects, liquidity and I.T.

The key tasks covered in this role are:

• Support of front office for all trading related operational issues. (Not Trading Assistant, this is a separate role at Bluecrest.)

• Booking and maintenance (where no automatic flow from our desks currently exists) and reconciliation and control of new trades and all trade amendments or events within the Bluecrest golden record system.

• Monitoring trade capture exceptions.

• Reviewing / affirming trade confirmations

• Review and completion of trade, position and cash breaks, investigating and resolving differences.

• Resolving trader position/trade queries and providing ad hoc reports to traders.

• Maintaining relationship with outsourced administration and prime brokerage functions, where some settlement and reconciliation procedures are performed.

• Adding value to the business by ensuring that it is properly and securely controlled and risks are hunted out, managed and mitigated or removed. This to meet the very high levels of confidence in the end results demanded by management and investors.

• Allowing for growth of the company in products, volumes, markets and funds under management.

• Working on projects running either within team or by our change team.

The ideal candidate must have industry operations type experience, perhaps from a hedge fund, investment bank or related service provider.

They should have a solid understanding of at least two of the products listed earlier. A knowledge of as much of the front to back processing is an advantage, but not a necessity

They must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the processing flows they have seen, within the front to back flow and how the technicalities of that product impact that.

They should also be able to demonstrate a good understanding of the control and risk implications of supporting those products.

The successful candidate will show they are aware of problems or challenges encountered in the operational support of these products and cite examples of where they have identified risks, resolved such problems and re-engineered processing, either at a tactical/”at the desk” or strategic/”on a project” level.

The individual should be a self starter, motivated and well organised with a keen eye for attention to detail. They should be someone who is keen and comfortable to learn and carry out a process, whilst at the same time look to question, change and possibly remove that process.