Registered Nurse Renal Services Job in Queanbeyan 2620, New South Wales Australia

These are Permanent Full Time / Permanent Part Time positions and are classified as a Registered Nurse. These positions are located in Queanbeyan which belongs to the Southern NSW Local Health District.


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The Registered Nurse (RN) – Renal Services is employed by Southern NSW Local Health District(SNSWLHD) for the provision of patient-centred, evidence-based renal nursing care. The RN is expected to embrace a practice development philosophy in the delivery of that care to the patients and families who utilise SLHN renal facilities. The RN assesses, plans, implements and evaluates nursing care in collaboration with individual/s and the multidisciplinary health care team to achieve goals and quality health outcomes. In conjunction with the patient’s health care needs, consideration must be given to the patients’ ethnicity, culture, gender, spiritual values, sexuality, age, disability and economic and social factors as these may impact the patients’ beliefs about health, illness and care implementation. The RN must plan the care in consultation with the patient addressing these values, support systems and home environment as all or any of these may impact on their health journey. The RN must show leadership in the coordination and delivery of health care needs, inclusive of appropriate referral to, and in consultation with, other relevant health professionals, service providers, and community and support services. The RN will assist in the provision of supervision for junior nursing clinicians or students. The goal of the RN is the provision of quality health care through the promotion of positive health outcomes, and by working with and in a supported collaborative health care team approach. To do this the RN must embrace change, provide support through clinical supervision, maintain professional development for themselves and others and embrace research. Further to this, RN’s within SNSWLHD must align their professional values and goals and work within mandated directives, standards, policies and procedures developed by AHPRA, NSW Health, SNSWLHD and other regulatory bodies. Specifically the principle responsibilities of a RN employed with SNSWLHD are to meet the ANMC RN competency standards in their entirety. These standards have been endorsed by AHPRA as the National Competency standards for all registered nurses in Australia. The competency standards in brief are found below, however to access the Competency standards with sub domains please refer to the AHPRA website.