Konecranes – Service Supervisor
Konecranes is the industry shaping global leader in manufacturing and servicing overhead cranes and other lifting equipment. We serve a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. We’re not just lifting things, but entire businesses.™ If you’re interested in taking your career to new heights, we have an immediate need for a full-time experienced Service Supervisor in Oklahoma City, OK. This position is responsible for assisting the Branch/Service Manager and District Management Team with the day-to-day operations of the branch. Read more […]
Konecranes – Buyer
Konecranes is the industry shaping global leader in manufacturing and servicing overhead cranes and other lifting equipment. We serve a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. We’re not just lifting things, but entire businesses. If you’re interested in taking your career to new heights, we have an immediate need for a full-time VIP BUYER in New Berlin, WI. Individual will directly manage the Crane Pro Parts VIP / MVP Program. Source and purchase urgently needed parts from both internal and external suppliers. Read more […]
Konecranes – Contract Sales Representative / New Business Development
Konecranes is the industry shaping global leader in manufacturing and servicing overhead cranes and other lifting equipment. We serve a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. We’re not just lifting things, but entire businesses.™ If you’re interested in taking your career to new heights, we have an immediate need for a full-time experienced Contract Sales Representative / New Business Development in Appleton, WI.Job Duties:This position is primarily responsible for new business development. Focus is on selling inspection Read more […]
Konecranes – Dokumentaatiokoordinaattori
Tehtävän kuvaus Haemme dynaamiseen dokumentaatiotiimiin Konecranesin Hämeenlinnan tehtaalle dokumentaatiokoordinaattoria. Tehtäväkuvaan kuuluu nosturien ja komponenttien käyttö- ja huoltoohjeiden laatiminen, dokumenttiprojektien ohjaaminen, dokumenttialihankinnan hallinta sekä asiakas- ja myyntitukidokumentaation luominen. Dokumentaatiokoordinaattori tukee muita dokumentteja valmistavia globaaleja yksiköitä dokumenttien tekemisessä ja dokumenttiteknologian ylläpitämisessä. Tehtävän hoitaminen edellyttää myös matkustamista ja toimimista erilaisten kulttuurien ja työyhteisöjen Read more […]
Konecranes – Service Sales Representative – Mining
Konecranes is the industry shaping global leader in manufacturing and servicing overhead cranes and other lifting equipment. We serve a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals.We’re not just lifting things, but entire businesses.™ If you’re interested in taking your career to new heights, we have an immediate need for a full-time experienced Service Sales Representative – Mining in Phoenix, AZ. This is a unique opportunity to help us grow our service business in the mining industry in the Phoenix area. The individual Read more […]