PHP Web Developer Job in Gainesville 32601, Florida US

Simply put, we want Gainesville’s best developers and will outbid current or prospective employers for your talents. We offer an unbeatable employee benefits package, including:Salary ($40k to $80k)Health InsuranceDentalVisionIRA (3% Matching)Hobby ReimbursementNot to mention more subtle perks, such as:Catered LunchesMini-ArcadeEmployee CafeFree Drinks SnacksHappy Hours DinnersAnd Much MoreWe assure 100% confidentiality to applicants who are currently employed. Openings are immediate, so email your resume and/or portfolio Read more […]

July 14, 2008 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on PHP Web Developer Job in Gainesville 32601, Florida US