Teacher of English Job in Hobart -Tas 7001, Tasmania Australia
Teacher of English
Vacancies 2012
We are seeking to appoint suitably qualified, enthusiastic and highly motivated people to fill the following vacancies, starting Term 1, 2012:
The Friends’ School,
Hobart, is a pre K - 12
co-educational residential
and day school, under
the auspices of
The Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers)
Teacher of English – Years 7-10
(temporary part-time)
This appointment will be approximately 35% of a full-time teaching load for the 2012 school year.
For an employment application package containing essential additional information please see the employment section of The Friends’ School website www.friends.tas.edu.au or contact the Principal’s Personal Assistant, Louise Bridge, email principal@friends.tas.edu.au or telephone 6210 2202.
Applications should be received by 4.00 pm, Monday 21 November addressed to:
John Green - Principal,
The Friends’ School,
PO Box 42, North Hobart 7002.
10 Yearsat Friends’
The Friends’School