Top Secret Software Analyst Job in Dallas, Texas US

Job Description:

·         Role is an analyst and admin that includes a lot of audits

·         Setting up and maintaining CA’s Top-Secret security software on multiple Z/OS mainframe systems.

·         Monitors and maintains the security databases for all mainframe LPARs on all systems.

·         Develop and maintains automated processes for security reports.

·         Prepares ad hoc reports as requested by clients.

·         Monitors the environment for adherence to security standards.

·         Defines and implements security requirements for new applications and upgrades.

·         Executes problem determination and resolution.

·         Assists in creating and implementing security standards, policy and guidelines.

·         Through daily interaction, educates users in security principles, policy and practices.

·         Processes authorized changes to machine log-on ID’s and security software.

·         Create and delete user Ids; create and modify uid strings, etc.

·         Administers password access.

·         Implements interfaces with OEM (non-IBM) products.

·         Reviews database and recommends and implements changes to improve the security product and service.

·         Analyzes client needs and implements problem resolution.

Most important Skill:

·         Expert knowledge of CA-Top Secret software


Other Required Skills:

·    Knowledge on how to set up security files and create ad hoc reporting

·    Knowledge of the databases (red hat)

·    Knowledge of background of security database and what goes into it, not just create ID's

·    Mainframe knowledge (i.e. ISPF edits and Short cut commands)

·    Need to understand the internals "guts" of the database

·    Experience with SAP on the mainframe, z/Linux, TSS groups, ZFS/HFS security.

·    Excellent TSO, JCL, IBM UTILITIES, JES2, and ISPF

·    Experience with SAP development and production environment 

·    Strong knowledge of mainframe Unix (LINUX) Systems service

·    Strong knowledge of SDSF, CICS, DB2, MVS, SAS 

·    Excellent analytical skills, problem solving skills

·    Excellent team player with the ability to work independently in a fast paced environment

·    Strong written and verbal communication skills

·    Self starter, detailed oriented and ability to multi task

·    Experience with Tape and Database Encryption

·    REXX, CLIST and or SAS programming skills

·    Knowledge of IBM’s RACF security product