Travel and BMV Counselor (Customer Service) Job in Noblesville 46060, Indiana US

Company Information

AAA Hoosier Motor Club has a long standing history of providing excellent products and customer service to members in the areas of Insurance, Travel and Roadside assistance.

Position Overview

Increase overall revenue of AAA Hoosier Motor Club service centers by promoting products and services, and performing customer service duties for members while meeting the highest quality standards.

This position is also the major backup support position for the BMV Department within the Service Center.  This position is responsible for the accuracy, accountability, and success of the BMV operations within AAA Hoosier Motor Club.  It is also responsible for achieving and utilizing in depth knowledge of BMV policy and procedures in daily activities along with their ATS duties.  This person is the “support” person for BMV activities within a service center during peak periods and is fully cross trained and accomplished in all BMV duties, policies, procedures, and obligations.


This position will serve as both an Auto Travel Counselor to provide assistance and sell products/services to members taking automobile trips as well as a BMV representative to provide motor vehicle services such as drivers licenses, titles, registrations.


High School Diploma or equivalent.

