Underwriter Ii Job in Burbank, California US
Underwriter Ii
Underwriting's overarching function is to anticipate key business, marketplace and competitor dynamics in developing and implementing strategies to optimize business results which include retention and growth targets while mitigating risk. Primary focus is on establishing the appropriate rate and conditions of offering to achieve revenue, membership and margin goals. Additionally, processes and policies are managed to support optimal customer service while collaborating with Sales/Account Management partners to optimize business opportunities and effective solutions. Essential Functions Establish effective business relationships with Sales and Account Management to execute a business plan that optimizes our opportunities across a book of business bull; Produce accurate quotes in compliance with Underwriting authority guidelines and state federal laws for existing and prospective business bull; Develop and execute account and/or book of business plans to ensure attainment of goals bull; Lead peer review to ensure accuracy appropriateness of quote Manage business processes and policies that support for all job levels particularly in areas of rate actions, benefit structure, customer engagements, etc. bull; Meets established department turn around goals by balancing deadlines bull; Implement new and existing policies, procedures, and methodology bull; Implement continuous quality improvement programs bull; Strategize with internal customers on implications of decisions on business outcomes Position Underwriting is an integral partner in the creation of effective business solutions bull; Establish relationships with Sales/Account Management to enhance business potential with purchasers, brokers consultants bull; Develop solutions that increase credibility with customers Sales/Account Management and external customers bull; Acquire exhibit knowledge of the external business environment to add value Qualifications: Basic Qualifications bull; Two or more years in rating, underwriting, or related field required. bull; A minimum of 4 years experience in large group health underwriting required. bull; Excellent written and verbal communication skills. bull; Excellent problem-solving skills, particularly financial and statistical. bull; Ability to interpret client-specific data to analyze underlying causes of significant changes in demographics and utilization. bull; Strong understanding of trends in the insurance industry in California and the practices of competitive carriers. bull; Ability to adjust conflicting priorities to meet or exceed established department turnaround goals. Preferred Qualifications bull; 3 to 5 years underwriting experience. bull; Bachelor's degree preferred in mathematics, statistics, business administration, or a related field or applicable related work experience