Archive for July, 2011

IT Security Analyst Job in Canberra 2601, Australian Capital Territory Australia

About the Job Denial of Service attacksMalicious codeUnauthorised accessInappropriate usagePhishing attemptsMultiple component incidents (Level 1 and 2)Timely coordination of responses to security incidentsGap identification and recommendation of appropriate security controls solutionsDevelopment and implementation of incident response plansAccurate and legally admissible evidence collectionLogging and qualification of security incidentsSubject matter expert engagement and inputDelivery of incident closure post incident review reporting when applicable Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on IT Security Analyst Job in Canberra 2601, Australian Capital Territory Australia

Outside Sales – Digital and print advertising sales Job in Albuquerque 87109, New Mexico US

For the motivated sales person, here is an exciting opportunity to join a leader in providing the very best in online and print advertising to local businesses. As a Sales and Marketing Consultant with Dex One, an industry leader in local search solutions and one of a select group of companies around the world who serve as Google AdWords™ Certified Partner, you will collaborate with business owners to identify their needs, develop messages to reach their target market, and make their business more successful. Working with established and new customers, you will serve as the market expert on how Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Outside Sales – Digital and print advertising sales Job in Albuquerque 87109, New Mexico US

Senior Buyer, Purchasing Job in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey US

Senior Buyer, Purchasing This position manages and facilitates procurement activities between the department, other business units and suppliers. Ensure that quality products are obtained for the most competitive price while not impacting the ability to deliver against the company and departmental plan for the continued growth of the organization. Manages products which are designed, sourced and manufactured worldwide using a network of approved vendors. Buyers are expected to stay current with trends, manufacturing methods, manufacturing materials and all laws Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Senior Buyer, Purchasing Job in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey US

Lead Test Engineer Job Job in Connersville, Indiana US

Lead Test Engineer JobThe Lead Test Engineer demonstrates leadership in communicating business goals, programs, and processes for an area or business segment. In this role you will utilize your experience or expertise to solve problems, develop and execute objectives for self and others, and have the ability to effect short-term and some long-term business goals. Essential Responsibilities – Establish Blower / Compressor Test plans – Lead technical personnel in all aspects of engineering validation – Integrate engineering requirements with Test techs, GTE, IFS and Customers in preparation for, Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Lead Test Engineer Job Job in Connersville, Indiana US

Kesko – Terminaaliesimies Keslog Oy:n Kuopion alueterminaaliin

KESLOG OY on Suomen suurimpia kaupan alan logistiikkayrityksiä, jokaharjoittaa ulkomaankuljetuksia ja huolintaa, hankintakuljetuksia, varastointia,terminaalitoimintaa ja jakelukuljetuksia kaikille Kesko Oyj:n toimialayhtiöille. Keslog Oy kuuluu Ruokakeskoon.KESLOG OY vastaa Ruokakeskon asiakkaiden tavaroiden käsittelystä Vantaankeskusvarastoissa sekä alueterminaaleissa, joista toimitetaan monipuolinen tavaravalikoima kaikkialle maahan.Keslog Oy:n Kuopion alueterminaali hakee vakituiseen työsuhteeseenT E R M I N A A L I E S I M I E S T ÄTerminaaliesimies vastaa terminaalin päivittäisistäoperatiivisista Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Kesko – Terminaaliesimies Keslog Oy:n Kuopion alueterminaaliin

Referent in der Gruppe Qualitätssicherung und Verfahrensentwicklung Job in Bonn 53175, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany

Die DFG begutachtet, fördert und begleitet jährlich mehr als 20.000 Projekte in allen Wissenschaftsbereichen von Archäologie bis Zoologie. Die Gruppe Qualitätssicherung und Verfahrensentwicklung ist dabei an zentraler Stelle mit der Ausarbeitung neuer und der bedarfsgerechten Anpassung bestehender Verfahren befasst. Sie steht dabei im engen Kontakt mit den Fachabteilungen einerseits und den Entscheidungsgremien der DFG andererseits. Ihre Aufgabe: Sie sind ein analytisches Talent, haben Erfahrung im Umgang mit Finanzdaten und deren Interpretation und begeistern sich gleichermaßen für Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Referent in der Gruppe Qualitätssicherung und Verfahrensentwicklung Job in Bonn 53175, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany

Operations Manager Job in Reno, Nevada US

PLEASE NOTE: Your resume will not be properly formatted if you respond to this posting via monster board or another job board.  To properly respond, you should format your resume in MS Word or Corel WordPerfect and send it to as an attachment.   Company is looking for someone that can move into a AGM role in the very near future. Changes are being made and this will happen. It’s all up to the candidate they hire.  PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POSTING IF YOUR BACKGROUND DOES NOT MATCH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS:·        Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Operations Manager Job in Reno, Nevada US

Międzynarodowy Doradca Klienta Zamożnego Job in Gdansk 80853, Pomorskie Poland

Międzynarodowy Doradca Klienta ZamożnegoGdansk, pomorskieNo. Ref.: 1017293 Dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy ambitnych kandydatów/kandydatek zainteresowanych pracą na stanowisku Międzynarodowego Doradcy Klienta Zamożnego w Trójmieście. Osoba na stanowisku odpowiedzialna będzie za aktywną sprzedaż usług znajdujących się w aktualnej ofercie firmy oraz budowanie i utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z Klientami Zamożnymi zlokalizowanymi na całym świecie. Do obowiązków Międzynarodowego Doradcy Klienta Zamożnego należeć będzie także długofalowe doradztwo w zakresie rozwoju Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Międzynarodowy Doradca Klienta Zamożnego Job in Gdansk 80853, Pomorskie Poland

Chemical Operations Specialist Job in 42301

Chemical Operations SpecialistAs an Army National Guard Chemical Operations Specialist, youll be there and prepared whenever a community is flooded, an earthquake shakes the foundations of a city, a hurricane makes landfall, or an enemy uses biological or chemical warfare. You will know what to do to evacuate the area, control the situation, and solve the problem.In order to perform these functions, you will be trained to expertly handle nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) detection and decontamination equipment so you can assist in the application of NBC defense measures. Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags:  • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Chemical Operations Specialist Job in 42301

Pricing Analyst II Job in Alpharetta 30004, Georgia Us

Manage a flexible workload that supports a new and changing business environment Scope: This position reports directly to the Team Leader, Pricing and Contract Administration, in Roswell, GA. As an active contributor, the incumbent recommends courses of action which would enable the business to meet its financial and business objectives. The Pricing Analyst II is responsible for making recommendations concerning practices and procedures to strengthen internal control and improve efficiency. This position may also provide ad-hoc analytical support to Sales and Marketing to enhance their ability Read more […]

July 13, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Pricing Analyst II Job in Alpharetta 30004, Georgia Us