Engineering Lead at General Assembly (New York, NY) (allows remote)

Job Description

We currently have two Engineering Lead openings, one focused on E-commerce (Product Discovery, Personalization, and Funnel Optimization) and the other on Retail Systems (Data Warehouse, Analytics, CRM). Each role would inherit a team consisting of 3-5 developers and be paired with a designer and a product manager.

Some example products:

Skills Requirements

Our stack is Ruby on Rails (with rspec, cucumber, VCR) plus Postgres, and the front-end is HTML / CSS / SASS with Javascript / jQuery / Foundation / Jasmine. Our designers prototype in code, mobile first. We're agile, but not in a dogmatic way - we believe in tight feedback loops between business, product, design, and engineering to maximize iteration and avoid wasting time building the wrong thing.

We’re looking for:

General Responsibilities:


General Assembly is a venture-backed, NYC-based startup focusing on education for individuals and enterprises in the areas of technology, design, and entrepreneurship. We currently have physical classrooms in 8 cities across 4 continents, with tens of thousands of students coming through our doors.

Position is full-time with competitive salary, stock options and great benefits. NYC or Remote. Benefits include: 401k, iPhone (or equivalent) + cell plan, Macbook Air + Thunderbolt monitor, medical + dental + vision insurance, MTA transit credit and 50% discounted gym membership (if NYC).

Joel Test score: 8 out of 12

The Joel Test is a twelve-question measure of the quality of a software team.


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June 1, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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