Full-Stack Web Dev(s), Python & Django, for hot funded startup! at Metacloud, Inc. (Pasadena, CA) (allows remote)

OK, so what if you're a solid true full-stack web developer but Python or Django isn't a strong point? Not a problem...

If you're a rock-solid web/application developer with real-world knowledge of web frameworks, RESTful app design, back-end and front-end web standards, best practices, and emerging technologies in a comparable pairing of language/framework (ROR, Java Spring/Hibernate, Groovy on Grails, PHP and CakePHP, Drupal, etc.), we want to hear from you! In this fast-moving, agile tech world, we firmly believe that passion, experience, and quick brains trumps knowledge of a specific language and/or framework.

That being said... if your a Python pro and Django wizard, well... we'd be impressed 😉

Specific experience with browser-based data visualization and the major supporting JavaScript libraries would also be highly regarded (e.g., D3.js, RickShaw, Kibana, BonsaiJS, Raphaël, JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit, Google Charts, jQuery, Backbone.js, Angular.js, etc.).

Candidates local to our Pasadena or San Jose offices are ideal but we will provide relocation assistance for strong candidates. Will also consider full-time, remote/virtual employment for superstar applicants residing in Portland, Seattle, Boulder, or Austin. Currently looking for senior and mid-level candidates and a team technical lead (i.e., building a team with a nice mix of front-end expertise, back-end expertise, with an experienced technical leader).

All positions are full-time, regular-hire, with excellent benefits, competitive salaries, and equity. All Metacloud employees, and their spouse/partner and dependents, get PPO-level health, dental, and vision plans 100% covered by Metacloud. Gym membership, free Fitbit Flex wristband daily activity trackers, etc. are also included. We do care about the health and well-being of our employees!

No unsolicited agency candidate submissions will be considered.

August 26, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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